Kids Courses and Classes

Kid's Courses

We are excited to offer kid's courses this year!  Sign up your Mini Skipper (ages 9-12) or Junior Skipper (ages 13-16) for a series of 7 classes with one make-up day in case of poor sailing conditions.  Classes are twice a week for 1.5 hours each and are small groups.  We have a progressive curriculum filled with fun activity and of course, sailing!  By the end of the class, your kid will be able to tie knots, name parts of the boat, navigate onboard, and learn concepts of seamanship and navigation.  To be eligible, students will need to be able to swim.  A $45 deposit is required to hold your spot.  The full cost of the course will be charged the first day of class.

Kid's Try Sail

Jump onboard with a qualified instructor for a 90 minute sailing adventure that introduces your kid to the world of sailing.  Your kid must be able to swim and must wear a PFD at all times while onboard.

Kids Courses

$499/kid for course
$50/kid for try sail class

**A 3% merchant fee will be charged at checkout for credit card purchases.  We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard and Discover payments.

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